Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Pizza Bread and Yeasted Flatbread...
I feel bad showing recipes on here that have dairy in the pictures, but I want to share a recipe I made that I know will work with your favorite dairy free cheese. Tony and I have been spending a lot of time at the book store lately. We are taking advantage of a little low key time and enjoying some magazine/book reading while having some coffee and tea. I know this relaxed time won't last long, so I'm soaking it up right now. Also, we lost power for 4 hours yesterday so really is there anything better to do on a rainy day...I think not.

Anyway, I came across a recipe from a magazine (for the life of me, I can't remember what magazine) and when Tony saw it, he immediately wanted it. So, you know I had to make it...

I looked online to see if I could find that recipe and while I don't think this was the magazine, I adapted my gluten free version from this recipe. I doubled the recipe and added melted butter, garlic powder and onion powder to the layers. I imagine Chebe bread would work here too.

I took this as an opportunity to play with my flatbread again. I told you I'm addicted!!!

I had a loaded salad with fresh tomatoes and basil from my garden. Sadly that is about to end so I'm enjoying the last of my summer bounty while it lasts...

I wanted to try yeast in my flatbread. Not so much for the rise, but I wanted the flavor. I also wanted to use up some carbonated water I had opened (hint: carbonated water in baked goods helps give things a little extra lift). This was so good! I loved the yeasty flavor and super soft doughy insides! YUM!

Yeasted Chickpea Oat Flatbread

2/3 cup quick oats (or oat flour or ground whole oats)
2/3 cup chickpea flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp yeast
1/2 tsp salt
pepper (to taste)
2/3 cup egg whites
2/3 cup carbonated water
3 TBSP apple cider vinegar (a must, it adds to the fluffiness)

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Spray a 8x8 pan with olive oil. 

Combine the dry ingredients and then add the wet. Stir to combine. Pour the batter into prepared pan. Allow the batter to rest for 30 minutes in a warm draft free place. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. 

Everyone else is already jumping head first into fall. Are you still enjoying the summer bounty or have you moved on to fall? Trust me, I'm ready for fall, but I'm trying to stick to eating as seasonally as I can...I'm trying. I did break down and bought two cans of pumpkin the other day, but I'm trying to hold off just a little. The cooler weather is coming this week, so I may break down and bust open a can for some pumpkin muffins! These are really hard to resist though!!!

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posted by Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen @ 6:00 AM  
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Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen
Home: Atlanta, GA, United States
About Me: Lactose Challenged
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