Tuesday, July 20, 2010
My morning started with the cat knocking the aloe plant in the master bathroom on the floor at 5:50am. Immediately after that, I got a text from my sister. So, this will explain my train of thought here...
I have 3 of them. We are all different, but all the same. It is kind of weird, but true. We have a lot of the same endearing quirks, but use them in different ways. Three of us are married and our husbands just love this about us! Well, that is what we think anyway.
I am the oldest and am 16 years older than the youngest. From left to right in the above picture is Mackenzie (the baby), me (the oldest), Tara (the oldest middle - who is pregnant here) and Whitney (the younger middle).
I am having this moment today because I am really missing them. They all live in Virginia except for me.  All these emotions are sparked because Tara is in the hospital and I want to be with her. She is 25 weeks pregnant.  This would be the second time this has happened to her. Her first son was born at 30 weeks. I know I can't do anything for her, but I just want to be with her. She went into labor last night and they got things to stop. She is there until at least tomorrow, but they may keep her longer.
Tara and I were just like my boys. We were really close growing up because we were close in age. We knew exactly how to get to the other one too. She is stubborn, hardheaded and sweet all at the same time. I remember this feeling like it was yesterday with her in the hospital...I just want to hug her. Whitney is the princess and always has been. She is prissy and has a heart of gold. Mackenzie is a one of a kind. She does her best to be the polar opposite of all of us. She does a pretty good job of it too. Kenzie wants you to think she doesn't care, but she really does. Me, well, they all think I am a goody two shoes. I'm not, but they have that vision of me. I was the oldest so I did my best to please everyone (I also was the first and the first gets away with nothing). I never really wanted to stand out in a crowd, so I just did the best I could to make people happy.
Sorry for the mushy post, but I just needed to get it off my chest.  I have thought about Tara nonstop since last night.  I miss them all so much! Hopefully things will improve for her and she can bring home a healthy baby when he is born this time around.

As for me now...I need to go bake something!

Do you have siblings? Are you close in age? Do you live close to one another?


posted by Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen @ 6:17 PM  
  • At July 20, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Anonymous Jessica @ How Sweet said…

    This is so sweet. I always wished I had a sister. I have 2 brothers and we are very close, but there is nothing like having a sister from what I've been told.

  • At July 20, 2010 at 6:24 PM, Blogger Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said…

    Jessica, I have two boys and they are great, but I would not trade my sisters for anything!

  • At July 20, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Anonymous Heather (Where's the Beach) said…

    Girl I know how you must feel right now. I wish you could be there with your sister too!!!! I am VERY close to my sister. Hugs to you.

  • At July 20, 2010 at 6:53 PM, Anonymous homecookedem said…

    I will pray for your sister right now. That is so scary. I'm sure she's in good hands though and all will be ok.

    What a beautiful way you wrote about your sisters. Sisters certainly share a unique bond. I'm also the oldest sister and you described yourself just like me... didn't get away with the same stuff my sister gets away with, always pleasing everyone, and I hate being the center of attention.

  • At July 20, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Anonymous Estela @ Weekly Bite said…

    Oh Sarena - my heart aches for you! I have one brother who is two years younger than me. I'm in DC, he's in Minneapolis, and our family is in Texas. Having gone through the loss of my father, I know how it feels to be thousands of miles away from family and feel so helpless because I'm not there.

    Your sister is in my prayers! I want that baby to stay in her as long as possible!

  • At July 20, 2010 at 7:34 PM, Anonymous Kelly @ Healthy Living With Kelly said…

    Sarena...you and your sister are definitely in my prayers! I know everything will be okay. I know it has to be hard being far away but I can only imagine that having you as a sister would probably the best thing ever! I am sure that the postive thoughts you send out into the atmosphere are truly life-changing. You are such a special woman and I refuse to believe that anything negative would happen to your family. Hugs from me!

  • At July 20, 2010 at 7:38 PM, Blogger Kelsey Ann said…

    wow and ur the oldest? must have been interesting watching ur sisters growing up and being the role model!

    i have two older brothers. im 21 and they are 22 and 24. i gave them a HARD time haha but we are very close. im actually closer to my oldest brother because he is really grounded and mature, always there to offer me guidance and support. i was the princess and they always made sure their lil sis was safe and protected. importance of having tight bonds with ur siblings is immense. i often wished i was an only child, but u realize now how terrible that would have been. but obviously no bad feelings for those who are only children, because they usually have closer bonds with friends and cousins which is cool too!

    xoxo <3

  • At July 20, 2010 at 7:56 PM, Anonymous Jessica (Healthy Exposures) said…

    You, your sister, and your family are all in my thoughts. I hope everything works out the best for you guys, and thanks for the reminder to appreciate my sister. (you know, sometimes it's hard when I think of all she did to me as a child! :P )But, when all is said and done - we both stick up for each other. I love all the photos and memories you shared :)

  • At July 20, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Blogger Tara said…

    Thank you so much sweet sister for the virtual hug! I miss you too and really wish you could be here with me through this. It is the hardest thing I have ever dine, and now it is happening again. Ugh! Now I need to bake too, but that won't happen on bedrest! You will just have to send me some crack cookies to drown myself in!
    And thanks to all of you for the kind thoughts and prayers. We are hanging in there!

  • At July 20, 2010 at 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg said…

    Awww, I love this post. Living so far from my sister, sometimes I miss her SO much. It's gotten even worse now that she has a baby-- I want to be there for everything, and there's so much that I'm missing!

    Sisterhood is such a unique bond. I'll be thinking about you and your sisters tonight!

  • At July 20, 2010 at 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I've given you an award!! Check it out on my blog!


  • At July 20, 2010 at 10:01 PM, Anonymous Amy B @ Second City Randomness said…

    Aw! One of my good friends up here is one of four sisters. Sometimes I have to say I'm a little jealous of the bond sisters have. I have a younger brother. And we get along wonderfully- we may not talk about as many close and private things, but there's just something about our bond and how well we click in a conversation. :) I love it!

    Have a good evening!!!

  • At July 20, 2010 at 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'll be keeping your sister in my thoughts! I have a younger brother and he is my best friend. I live in Arizona and he lives in New York so we don't get to see each other very often, but we talk every day

  • At July 21, 2010 at 4:44 AM, Anonymous MelissaNibbles said…

    Beautiful post. I'll be thinking of your sister and keeping your entire family in my thoughts.

  • At July 21, 2010 at 7:21 AM, Anonymous Tina said…

    My sister and I are about 6 years apart but we are incredibly close. I'm so thankful I get to see her every week. That special bond between sisters is partly why I would LOVE if this next baby is a girl. I think its a boy and that gets me excited but if it turns out to be a girl I will be thrilled to give my baby M a sister.

  • At July 21, 2010 at 8:48 AM, Blogger Nicole said…

    Aw Sarena, I feel for you. I have one sister who is 5 years younger than me. We are super close and only live 20 minutes from each other so we are with each other all the time. I hope you can get to see her very soon. :( Thanks for sharing your family with us.

  • At July 21, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Blogger Iris said…

    Aww I understand. My two sisters live near each other in Cali and I'm on the east coast, so I miss them all the time and wish I was doing things with them!

  • At July 21, 2010 at 12:47 PM, Anonymous Holly @ couchpotatoathlete.wordpress.com said…

    I also have 3 sisters and we are very close. One of my sisters lives in OK and the rest of us are in MN. It is sad that we can't always be together for holidays, etc, and when my OK sister had her son last year, I wasn't able to be there. I just try to make the most of my time when I DO see them and I talk on the phone with them often.

  • At July 21, 2010 at 2:16 PM, Blogger Ami "Mimi" Layton said…

    I'm thinking about you and your sisters. I'm the baby and the only girl and there's 11 and 13 years difference between me and my brothers, but that doesn't mean we aren't close! They're polar opposites and I just enough quirk from each of them to make me fun (and tolerable to my husband!)

  • At July 21, 2010 at 8:17 PM, Anonymous Danielle (Runs on Green) said…

    I hope Tara & the baby are ok! *I'm sending good thoughts*

    I've always wanted a sister but I was stuck with 2 brothers (kidding, I love them) :)

    This was a sweet post- thanks for sharing :)

  • At July 21, 2010 at 8:37 PM, Anonymous Michelle @ Give Me the Almond Butter said…

    Such a sweet post. My brother, sister and I all have our very unique personalities. My brother is extremely easy going, while my sister is incredibly uptight. I'm the middle of the two. My brother likes only syrup on his pancakes, my sister likes only butter on her pancakes. I like both. See the trend?

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Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen
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